We offer Business Consulting services, providing all our experience and know-how.
Our strategic vision of global mobility allows us to be the perfect partner for highly qualified international marketing advice on every aspect of foreign markets, with solutions to support business and resources to make your operating model easy, tailored to your needs.
We assess any key aspect of logistics, offering all the support and expertise you need. One of our strengths is being able to put potential new suppliers in touch with our international network and conversely.
Contact us for more information and a detailed quote for a business consuling
Cross Trade International HRS was founded by Mr. Giovanni Iacopini in Johannesburg, South Africa, in 2012. Since 10 years, thanks to our partnerships, we have a successful international team with a wide range of combined industry experience. As an international cross trade company we deal in national and international removals, worldwide shipping, industrial packaging and packaging for homes and offices as well as embassies and museums. In particular, we specialise in sea/air/road freight transport.
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